About the exhibition

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The exhibition was inspired by the President of the Society of Bibliophiles in Torun, Ms. Anna Bogłowska, which together with the former director of the Museum of Nicolaus Copernicus in Torun (branch of the Regional Museum) Ms. Janina Mazurkiewicz planned an exhibition of cookbooks. The basis was to be a private collection of Ms. Mazurkiewicz, gathered over many years. The opening took place on December 7, 2015 at the University Library. This virtual exhibition was planned as documentation and enlargement.

It turned out, however, that a rich collection of Ms. Janina Mazurkiewicz is a resource subject to copyright protection. Therefore, the concept of a virtual exhibition has been changed. The most interesting part of the collection presented at the University Library is included in the Gallery, which showcases cover cookbooks, on the basis permitted quotation. In contrast the cookbook history is based on rich digital content, available both in Polish digital libraries, as well as the world's largest libraries: the British Library or the Library of Congress in Washington and others, including created pioneered or some amateur exhibitions and digital collections.

The exhibition, which fits within the framework of the Europeana Food and Drink project, was prepared by Małgorza Masłowska and Piotr Kożurno of the International Centre for Information Management in collaboration with Marek Wieczorek, Anna Marcinkiewicz and Maria Sliwinska. We use here MOVIO software developed in the project AthenaPlus by the Italian company META srl.

The exhibition is based on sources cited in the list of literature. We invite you to send us comments, and corrections to the following address: icimss@icimss.edu.pl.